
[Kairós férnei ta láchana kairós tα Parapoúli̱α]*_

Terpsichori wears~aldiladi jacket-zara pants&shirt-myksa picking style

 Fotini wears~aldiladi jacket, pieaces shirt, Zara lecklαce

Fotini wears~ aldilad hat-vero moda shirt&skirt-SakisRouvas jacket~

Angeliki wears~aldiladi blouze&army trouser-Zara blazer-H&M,shoes

~wipe your myksa~
 Florence style report->3 mentaly_ζε stylisth bitches 

*[Kairós férnei ta láchana kairós tα Parapoúli̱α]_(proverb) weather brings sprouts, the weather parapoulia :  everything happens at the right time

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